
Share Your Story Tour - Madrid @AlexGMusic7

Now that Share Your Story Tour is over in Europe we wanted to talk about the wonderful show that Alex G gave us in Madrid. As we already said, she is such a talented girl and we really enjoyed her show.
She started the show singing 'Charlotte', one of my favorite songs, she already sang a cover of Ed Sheeran and everybody was singing with her and she looked very happy.
Muriel, that song that has nothing in common with me, made me cry as fuck a lot. When Alex started singing the first words 'Did you remember me..? cause I remember you..' tears began to show up all around my face. That wasn't the last time I cried, all the rest of my tears show up AGAIN when Alex talked about 'Everything' her story, and when she started to sing the song I was already in tears. I love to go to concerts to have fun, to dance, to smile and to share that moments with my friends BUT I have to say that at that point I wasn't dancing or even smiling and I was happy.  I mean, I was crying yes, cause I loved that song and her voice came to my heart. Sometimes it's good to cry. And I loved to share my tears with her. Even If she didn't looked at me.
We had a great time and we can't wait to her comeback!

You can take the pictures but please, give us credit!

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